Modern Irish Authors for St. Patrick’s Day
I’ve been in love with Ireland ever since I was little and believed in fairies. Does that explain why I gravitate toward Irish writers? It seemed like a fairy trick last year when I’d start a novel and realize, “Another Irish author! How interesting!”

Romanticize Your Life at the Library
I was fourteen years old and obsessed with Kurt Cobain. His song, “Heart-Shaped Box,” inspired me to dump my Valentine candy into a bag and use the empty heart-shaped box for safekeeping. Shiny red, about the size of a dinner plate, it was perfect for love notes, by which I mean literally notes of “Things I Love.”

Hannah’s Past, Present and Future Reading Endeavors
Juliana Farrington invited fellow Bexley Public Library Patron Services Associate, Hannah Fithen, to share her past, present and future reading journey. Here’s what Hannah had to say.

Embrace the Season with Festive Reads
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and preemptively exhausted even, trying to be so intentional and thoughtful about the holidays. When I start to feel that way, I turn to my favorite resources.

Discover Your Blast from the Past at the Library
With holidays and family gatherings right around the corner, let Bexley Public Library be your place to discover family history and preserve your memories – for free!

The Beauty of Vacation Anticipation
A reel of images pass through my mind of a recent trip to California. A picturesque bungalow on Electric Avenue a couple blocks from Venice Beach, breakfast sandwiches beneath palm trees, a booth at the Formosa where Elvis once ate. Then it was over in a flash.

This Summer is All About Reading Together!
There are so many ways we read together. Whether it’s with a child and beloved copy of Peter Rabbit on our lap, a Mercy Watson read-a-loud before bed, or enjoying The Very Hungry Caterpillar complete with hand motions during story time, it’s always a good time to share in the joys of reading.

Things Fall Apart: The Landmark African Novel
Few books have had as resounding an impact on my worldview as Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe’s 1958 magnum opus.

Take a Book with You Everywhere: The Gilmore Girls Reading Challenge
Since 2017, my mom and sister committed to reading all 339 book titles that made an appearance on Gilmore Girls, also known as The Rory Reading Challenge.

Celebrating Toni Morrison at the Bexley Public Library
Every February, in honor of Toni Morrison Day, I choose one of Morrison’s novels to read.