A Year in Review
The advancements made this past year in Bexley’s environmental sustainability realm – by the City’s Sustainability Department, Environmental Sustainability Advisory Committee, and residents – can best be described as electric.

All About Green Bexley
Composed of passionate residents and institutional representatives eager to make Bexley more sustainable, ESAC focuses on work in five areas: zero waste, biodiversity, education, biking infrastructure, and establishment of a comprehensive, overarching sustainability plan.

Love Your Alley(and Yard!):This Year, It’s For The Birds.
We all know that Bexley is a great place for people and as an arboretum it can be a great place for our birds, too. But we have some work to do!

Support Wildlife in Your Yard through Winter
Thoughtful gardening doesn’t just happen in the spring, but in the fall, too. There’s a lot of life, tucked between and beneath all those fall and winter bits; tending lawns and gardens with environmental sustainability in mind helps to support that life that greatly supports our lives.

Get Ready: May is Love Your Alley (and yard!) Month
Envision our alleys and yards as lush gardens filled with native plants, pollinators, and beautiful artwork.