Strength is at the Core
Your core is your powerhouse, it’s where your inner strength comes from. Having a strong core is at the root of your functional fitness, and results in better balance, fewer injuries, and taller posture.
May is Stroke Awareness Month. Know the Signs.
According to the American Stroke Association, stroke is the number three cause of death in the United States and is the leading cause of long-term disability. Someone has a stroke every 40 seconds and someone dies from stroke every 4 minutes. Approximately 795,000 Americans will have a stroke this year.
Blood Sugar Control Is The New Calorie counting
True or false? Ninety percent of Americans have mis-managed blood sugars. Sadly, this is true. With three out of four Americans (adults and kids without diabetes) experiencing blood sugar spikes every day, one could experience any of the following…
Acupuncture for Allergy Relief
Spring is such a delight as the weather starts to warm and buds on trees start to blossom. For people with seasonal allergies, this time can be challenging to enjoy.
Spice Up Your Workout
Back in January you made the resolution to exercise more regularly, and you’ve stuck to your word, but just like in any relationship, the sweetheart phase is dwindling and now you’re tasked with figuring out a way to keep things fresh and exciting.