Saying “Yes” to NaNoWriMo!

There are a few things that really matter if you want to write a book, and one of them is carving out the time to do it. We all know there are countless ways to procrastinate, but NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is here to help you say, “This month, everything else can wait.”

This month instead of saying “yes” to everything, you say, “I can’t. I’m writing.”

And then you show up to your desk when you say you will, and you write one word and then another and another. This month you write with wild abandon. Once you’ve got some momentum going you will be surprised by the way words pile up.

The library is a perfect place to sneak in some focused writing time. So come find a cozy seat, bring your goals, track your progress, focus on quantity over quality. Save editing for December. This month is about generating words and accumulating pages!

For more guidance and inspiration come browse our writing resources, and take inspiration from the Bexley authors on our shelves like Maggie Smith, or R.L. Stine. You can also join us in the Quiet Reading Room for “Open Writing Hours” each Monday in November, 6 pm - 8 pm.


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