Navigating the Spring Housing Market: NAR Settlement Expertise
A conflict has emerged amid rising home sales in February and March, coupled with an apparent increase in inventory entering the market.

October 2023 Real Estate Update:Don’t Be Spooked About Buying a Home
Recently ranked by Realtor.com as no. 6 in the country, the Central Ohio housing market is experiencing a shift due to low inventory, higher home prices, tough competition and the impact of high-interest rates.

June 2023 Real Estate Update
With the current market conditions, to proceed “without” a Realtor relationship could potentially leave you without a premium sales price or missing the opportunity to get a signed purchase contract. For the Buyer and Seller, the Realtor relationship is needed today because of these reasons…

May 2023 Real Estate Update
Get your home Spring ready!
Spring has officially sprung in 43209 and it's time to tackle those annual checklist items that keep your home in tip-top shape.

April 2023 Real Estate Update
How is the market? Still crazy?
This is the ubiquitous question that I get asked on the regular from friends and neighbors around 43209. The answer is somewhat complicated.

March 2023 Bexley Real Estate Update
Understanding the Bexley housing market will most certainly put you in the driver's seat, no matter if this is the year you plan to sell or buy a home in this community.

February 2023 Bexley Real Estate Update
Bexley, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
With so many special features that Bexley has to offer, narrowing down the list can be difficult. After all, how is it possible that so much can exist in a city that is only 2.44 square miles?