Meet Brian Shepard, Raymond James Financial Advisor!


As a financial advisor over the past 20 years, my process and philosophy has continued to evolve. My belief is that money is there to ensure that we are living our ‘best life possible’ in the present and balancing that with your future goals.

I feel the two key components of financial independence are what matters to you and what you can

control. When it comes to what matters to you, I have prescribed to the old acronym, F.O.R.M: Family, Occupation, Recreation and Money, to help guide that conversation.

The first three words are what drives the investment decisions and plans we make, while the fourth word, money, is how we facilitate meeting those goals. We never lose sight of what matters to us most…family, occupation, and recreation.

There are clearly several outside influences in our world today, such as a global pandemic, geopolitical tensions, or unexpected wars that, quite frankly, we have little to no control over. What we can control is our philosophy, our planning and our process. As part of my process I look to do discover your needs and then design and implement an appropriate plan. This provides confidence and clarity moving forward, while providing comfort during uncertain times.

I am fortunate to be able to raise my family and work in the community of Bexley. This proximity affords me extra time that I am able to spend with my three children, Evie (ten), Beau (eight), and Mack (four). Outside of work my wife Katie and I stay busy in her real estate business, watching our kids at numerous basketball/soccer events, time with friends, and on the family farm in Mount Vernon.


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