Our Favorite Rotary Meeting


Ask any Whitehall Bexley Rotarian what their favorite luncheon meeting was during the past 12 months and chances are they will say May 12th. Why? Because the guest speakers for that meeting were our 2023 area high school scholarship recipients. And they were fantastic.

Each year we invite students from the surrounding schools – Bexley, Whitehall Yearling, Bishop Hartley, Columbus School for Girls, St. Charles, Africentric and Eastmoor Academy to apply – with the intention of awarding one student from each school, along with an overall award.

In keeping with being a service organization, the WB Rotary Club has incorporated each of these elements into the application itself. Yes, we still ask about grade point averages, which college they’ve applied to, and other typical scholarship questions. But using the Four-Way-Test also gives the student a chance to honestly share how they’d like to make a positive impact. We have learned that the eight recipients are each unique in goals and interest, but they share an ongoing commitment to serve in bringing good to the world.

For example … one student’s scholarship motivation is to financially help her single mom with college fees. Another student has found that his lifelong limited hearing is propelling him into the field of medicine, particularly in research. One young woman stated that her mother introduced her to the idea of “service” by volunteering at their church. Another stated that she found service had “created a place in my life without me even realizing it.” One young man has been involved with “My Brother’s Keeper” first as a mentor to younger students and finally as the president of the group. Another student takes pride n volunteering with community children because “not every kid has someone they can turn to when they need help.” These are just a few examples of service. But our recipients also have big plans for their futures! Doctors, research science, business entrepreneurs with minors in social impact, graphic designer, bi-lingual proficiency and more. As one student succinctly explained “I hope to adopt a global way of thinking and not keeping my thoughts so local.”

So on one lovely afternoon in May, the Whitehall Bexley Rotary Club members had the opportunity to listen to eight bright, talented, motivated and big hearted young folks tell us how they’d like to change the world. We wish them every success imaginable, because frankly, we believe they can do it.

The 2023 scholarship recipients are:

Our $5,000 award recipient:

Sidney Waihenya – (Bishop Hartley)

Our seven $2,000 award recipients:

Cristiya Long (Afrocentric)

Grace Jones (Bexley)

Madison Griffin (Bishop Hartley)

Emma Kim (Columbus School for Girls)

Sydney Woods (Eastmoor Academy)

Derek Lyons (St Charles)

Brian Bennett (Whitehall Yearling)

A guiding principle of Rotary International, often recited at the beginning of each meeting is The Four-Way Test, regarding the things we think, say and do. Those four elements are:

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?


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