Love, Bexley
February 2023 Cover Story
A love letter to the residents who make Bexley an extra special place to live.
Photography by Kimarie Martin Photography
“Why did you move to Bexley?" It's a question almost always followed by: the schools, the walkability, the amazing neighbors, the old homes, the ancient trees.
Though capturing a snapshot of all the people who make Bexley the community it is would be near-impossible, the following folks have certainly done their part to preserve, enhance and enliven this special community. Even piecing apart their contributions proves difficult. Running into neighbors at community events, shaded by trees funded by donations that neighbors made possible and watching children build each other up because they build safe, secure bonds at school and beyond -- that is what Bexley is all about. Jonathan, Hallie, Sarah, Preston, Pam, JoAnne, Steve and Tim are but a small sample of the goodness lying within this town.
Jonathan Baker
Bexley Board of Education & Founding President of BMPA
Why he loves Bexley
Jonathan and his family have called Bexley home for 16 years, loving its great schools and proximity to everything. "I've been 'that dad' who coached his kids in Bexley Rec and was on PTOs." A career as an educator--first a math teacher, and now a professor--inspired him to make progress in the educational realm.
Why Bexley loves him back
Jonathan makes this community more inclusive. He took the reins of the fledgling Bexley Minority Parents Alliance (BMPA) in 2015 to advocate for the needs of underserved and underrepresented students. Now, 20+ BMPA parents and its executive team plan and advocate for kids. They participate in district committees and decisions, like the school's Implicit Bias training. The BMPA recognizes graduates from all 5 Bexley schools in its Circle of Excellence and awards up to $10,000 in 5 to 8 scholarships each year. Jonathan recently joined the Bexley School Board, with the intent to "leverage my multi-decade educational career to serve as an advisor, and even friend, to our superintendent." He says, "I'm most proud of our joint resolution against HB327 and HB616. One of my goals for running for the Board was to have “safer and more effective learning environments. 'Safer' includes and emotional safety, and the BoE’s resolution helped protect the safety of some of our most vulnerable students." Next up, "the big new item for 2023 is the District Strategic Plan," which will chart our course forward.
Mary Myers
Board Member of DARN & Member, Bexley Women's Club
Why she loves Bexley
"My family moved to Bexley when I was a young child. I attended Montrose Elementary School, Bexley Jr High, and Bexley High School. My husband and our 4 children also graduated from BHS. My husband and I were married at St Catharine Church. We have been very involved in numerous committees there and continue to be active members there today."
Why Bexley loves her back
Mary's record of giving back centers around children. She molded young lives as a preschool teacher for 25 years at BUMP, then became its director. She helped start DARN after one of the founders noticed a guidance counselor pulling money out of her wallet so a student could buy a book at the book fair. "I have a strong desire to make sure students have basic needs met so they can participate to their fullest potential in the classroom. They need to be fed, clothed, cared for, listened to, and cherished for their individuality." She even donated the contents of 3 bedrooms to a family in need when she and her husband downsized. As president of the Bexley Women's club, in which she's been involved for decades starting with modeling in a fashion show as a child, her proudest moment was always presenting scholarships to BHS students at their annual awards assembly. She also spent years involved with the PTO to give back to the education system that benefited each member of her family.
JoAnne & Steve Grossman
Founders of Green Bexley
Why they love Bexley
The Grossmans have called Bexley home for nearly 40 years. An Executive Director of the Ohio Water Development Authority and a Jewish Family Services employee who helped settle Russian and Ukrainian families here, they became gradual environmentalists and decided to start Green Bexley in 2017. "We did this for fun! We think this is fun!" JoAnne laughed. They love the real, old-fashioned community feel and walkability of Bexley.
Why Bexley loves them back
Green Bexley's initiatives, from banning plastic bags, to Love Your Alley, to their biggest pride, the food waste composting pick-up program, create a better long-term future for us all. After seeing curbside composting in La Jolla, CA, the Grossmans said, "if it's good enough for the richest county in the US, it's good enough for us." They worked for 7 years to find a way for the city to provide the service. Now, 35% of Bexley is composting, but they'd like to see the number rise to 90%. "We're the only city in the state to offer food waste pick-up and having it at the door is so easy! Forty percent of waste in landfills is food and it's the hardest thing to decompose and it doesn't have to be there." Last year, they diverted 194 tons of food from the landfill.
Tim Pitts
Founder of Brewfest & Porchfest
Why he loves Bexley
"I didn’t grow up here but knew the second I stepped foot inside Bexley that it was special. Everything about it from its tree lined streets to its old buildings and to the kind people – both generations of families and transplants – who call it home. It’s easy to want to do whatever I can to continue to make it a special place, to put smiles on faces and to celebrate all the good. The past few years have brought out a ton of negativity for whatever reason. One of the easiest ways to rise from the negativity and enjoy life is to actively BE part of your community - it gives you and those around you energy, it improves quality of life for all and it helps to keep the magic in an already magical place."
Why Bexley loves him back
He makes Bexley fun! Tim feels uncomfortable when people ask how he does it all ("I'm not special," he says), yet in the years he's raised his family (five kids!) here, he took the lead of the lacrosse youth program, served on the BEF Board, coached several sports, fund-raised to rebuild the Cassingham playground, created tacky but delightful Christmas light displays, and started Bexley Brewfest and Porchfest to fight Alzheimer's after both his father in law and father have struggled with the disease. After four years of events, they've raised $125,000 and made grants to organizations like the Dementia Project.
Hallie Raskin
Executive Director, Bexley Community Foundation
Why she loves Bexley
"I grew up in Dayton, but my mom graduated from Bexley and my dad grew up in Eastmoor. I have family here and grew up coming to Bexley for holidays and to see family. I knew it was a special place then and I’m so happy to be raising my family here in 2023! I love being a part of this community as I know our neighbors do too. It’s our responsibility to maintain this great place and I take great pride in doing my part. Our Board members, donors, and volunteers are a passionate group of community members and it’s a true pleasure to work with them everyday to better our city.
Why Bexley loves her back
Under her guidance, the BCF funds grants from $100 to $1.5M. She encourages organizations and community members to dream big, enhancing our wonderful home-
town with innovative and exciting projects, opportunities and experiences for our Bexley residents and visitors. Hallie channels donations to make a positive impact. From the expansion of Jeffrey Mansion, to the Senior Center on Cassady, the Bexley Community Gardens, trees throughout our city, the BCF touches every corner of our community.
Preston Elliott
Immediate Past Board Chair of Bexley Community Foundation
Why he loves Bexley
Raised in Bexley and now sending his two kids through BCS, Preston feels "very fortunate to have grown up in Bexley and to be able to raise my own family in this community. I have had the benefit of watching people I admire such as Pete Halliday, Gary Giller and Linda Kass among others set the example of service to our community. I have benefited from their example and find it fulfilling to be able to follow in their footsteps."
Why Bexley loves him back
Preston concluded his service as Board Chair of Bexley Community Foundation in December and previously served on the Bexley Education Foundation board. "Bexley is an excellent community. As Board Chair we wanted to continue to support those most impacted by COVID through the Bexley Cares Fund, complete and roll out the renovated Jeffrey Mansion and to continue to enhance the quality of life for those who live, learn, work, play and care in our community." He says the Jeffrey Mansion expansion is top of mind as his proudest accomplishment while on the BCF board.
Pamela Glasgow
Executive Director, Bexley Education Foundation
Why she loves Bexley
"Like so many other members of our community, I moved here because of the excellent public schools. Taking on the role of ED with the Foundation has allowed me to give back to those who give so much of themselves everyday to the children in our community.
I am fortunate to work on behalf of all Bexley educators and students and truly believe that strong schools require strong communities and strong communities require strong schools."
Why Bexley loves her back
Pam works with the Foundation Board to advance a vision of fostering an inclusive community of engaged learners, educators and alumni. She shares the credit with the leaders of the Foundation and those who donate that "we have been able together to level the playing field in technology in the Bexley Schools by getting a laptop in to the hands of every student, significantly increase the number of program and scholarship supporting endowments and strengthen the connections that alumni have with our schools whether they live locally or across the country."
Sarah Saxbe
Board Chair & Board of Governors Member, Bexley Education Foundation
Why she loves Bexley
"I have lived in Bexley for almost 20 years. I also grew up here, my parents live here, and both my mom and I graduated from BHS. My husband grew up in Eastmoor and attended St. Charles, which he loved. But I convinced him that our boys would receive an excellent education at Bexley, and they have. I was inspired to become involved after volunteering for BRAVO and seeing what great things the foundation does for the school district. And I knew and admired some of the other board members."
Why Bexley loves her back
It's our kids she's talking about when Sarah says, "My personal vision is for each student to have a positive journey at Bexley, where they feel safe, supported, challenged, and curious to learn about the world. And that they take pride in being a Bexley grad for their entire lives- and stay engaged as alumni." Her proudest moment with the BEF was "when the board raised money to fund the purchase of Chromebooks during the pandemic in 2020. Everyone was afraid and didn’t know what was happening. Some kids didn’t have computers and siblings were sharing a phone to do their zoom classes. So, it wasn’t just getting Bexley to a 1:1 district and filling a pandemic-related need, it was promoting equity in our community."