Music Spotlight: Henry & Logan, Chambers Music Studio Pianists


Henry Ferrel, a 2nd grader at Cassingham Elementary, has been playing piano since he was 6. He was inspired to start taking lessons because "hearing music that I love is what made me want to learn how to play." His frustration when he begins is remedied with a strong sense of persistence. When he masters a song, his entire family will be happily humming it from the repetition.

Each morning, Henry is the first to jump up from the breakfast table to get to the piano first. His love of piano and sense of competition surely drives him. Right now, his goal is simple: to get to the book his sister is on.

So far, his favorite experience being a musician is playing his most recent new song, "Cinderella's Waltz." His favorite musical group is AJR.

Logan Shaw is a 7 year old 2nd grader at Montrose Elementary and has been playing piano for about a year. He was inspired to play because his mom plays piano. “I really wanted to learn because I started looking at the keys and wondering what they meant and how to make the notes. So I decided to learn.”

Now, his goal is “to play a song with no mistakes three times in a row.” What Logan enjoys most about playing is an audience. “I enjoy having a crowd watching me and enjoying listening to me play.”

He enjoys visits to Bexley Public Library, math, playing Monopoly, and he wishes he could meet Taylor Swift.


Behind the Curtain: Rebecca Rhinehart & William Bowman of Bexley Theatre Arts


Sam Gravelle, a Murphy Music Makers Student