Bexley Magazine

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Troop 6413: Giving Back to People, Pets & Community

We are troop 6413 and we would like to thank Bexley for helping us earn the Bronze Award, the highest award you can earn as a Girl Scout Junior. A Bronze Award is an award that Junior Girl Scouts can get by helping their community and making the world a better place. Here are a few ways we earned it.

First, we talked to Mayor Kessler and we asked how we could help Bexley be a better place. Then our troop met and discussed different ideas for how we could help improve our community.

We decided that we would make boxes to collect food and pet supplies. We advertised our project at Montrose Elementary School with posters and the News Show, at Christ Lutheran Church, and through the Bexley Blast. Our troop decorated boxes that we placed in our school, the Bexley Public Library, City Hall, and various businesses around Bexley. After we gathered donations, we distributed them to pet shelters and little free pantries.

Our Girl Scout troop chose this project because we like to help people, animals, and our community. We also did other things to help our community like picking up trash around our school and volunteering at the Maple Syrup events, the Egg Dash, and the Main Events at Capital University.

We discovered that you can feel better by doing one act of kindness at a time and helping your community. We used the following leadership skills: being able to plan ahead, think for yourself, and encourage your team while helping others. We want to thank everyone in our community that helped us with this project! We couldn’t have done this without your help, so we thank you all very much!